The weather briefly warmed up a bit and I could wear this cute skirt and thin tights without freezing my tooshie off. Nick picked out the skirt because he has awesome taste and I know he would want me to let you know that. My favorite thing about it is the bow in the front. When I tuck my shirt into skirts, it sometimes feels too plain, like a belt is needed as a completer piece. But this bow adds that little something extra and makes the skirt even more cute.
I wore this to have coffee and talk wedding shop with my best friend who is getting married this summer, which is so exciting! Then I wore it to dinner for Nick’s mom’s birthday. I’ve been trying to find more pieces that can be dressed up or down and this skirt is perfect for that.
I love the way the wedge ankle boots look with this outfit, but I decided to change into heels for dinner. The heels are more dressy than the boots, which is what I wanted in a dinner look. I would also wear the heels in the office for a more professional look.