Hi friends!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted so I wanted to pop in and give some quick updates. I love my blog so much even though maintaining it takes up more time than I seem to have these days, but every time I think about letting it go, I just can’t do it. Life feels pretty routine lately and I doubt anyone is interested in hearing about the monotony of our days, weeks, months, etc. so I haven’t had much to write about–although I have toyed with the idea of doing a day-in-the-life post. What do y’all think?
Anyway, through the monotony, we’ve still had some cool things happen so I’ll share what we’ve been up to lately for those who are interested.
I recently started a new job! If you’ve followed me for a while, you’re probably aware that I have really struggled with identifying and developing my career into something that makes me feel happy and fulfilled. My background is in health and nonprofits, and it has taken a while to really get those two interests to merge in a way that makes sense for me, but I think I’m finally heading in the right direction. In July, after a six-month job search, I accepted and started a position as a program specialist for my state’s first connected-care network that focuses on helping folks address social determinants of health–the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, and age that affect a wide range of health. For example, we know that if someone is worried about food insecurity (being able to feed their family), doctors appointments are probably the last thing on their minds so they’re less likely to make an appointment or show up to one. The program I now work for aims to address these issues by connecting individuals directly to community services that can help, and once those needs are met, they can focus on taking care of their health. My main responsibilities are to serve as project manager, track deliverables, and write some media content–all things I’m good at and enjoy. I’m only a few weeks in but I already really like it!
Due to the pandemic, we’re all still working from home but even after the pandemic ends–if it ever does!–we will likely continue working remotely as a company so I’m thinking of continuing my Work-From-Home Wardrobe series. I still find that I am most productive when I get dressed in the mornings and treat my home office like an outside office. So we’ll see how that goes!
Not much is new on the family front except that Sebastian is playing Soccer Shots again! He started playing at his old daycare when he was two years old and he loved it. We took a little break during the worst of the pandemic and he recently said he wanted to play again. I feel like now is a pretty good time to play considering we have vaccines for the older folks, they’re playing outside, and the coaches are taking good precautions like having as little contact as possible (no high fives, hugs, etc), so he started playing again last month. I never in a million years would have thought I’d be a soccer mom, but here we are — carrying folding chairs, snacks, water, and Powerades to soccer practice once a week. Sebastian has so much fun running around and he’s actually a pretty good little player. He’s VERY fast and I think he will really excel once he learns how to keep better control of the ball. He has also expressed interest in playing baseball–which I am super excited about, being a former softball player myself so that is something we will be looking into, as well.
But just look at my baby go!
As I mentioned, I’m still getting dressed and try to make the outfits cute but comfy. Here are some of the more memorable outfits I’ve worn over the past few weeks. Nothing too trendy, mostly just a combination of comfortable and business casual. I think I’m going to like working from home if I get to wear outfits like these!
Polka dot blouse (new) & yellow skirt (newish): Loft Outlet | Pink shorts & white shorts (both old): Target | White and black shorts, sandals, and black t-shirt (all new): Old Navy | Denim Jacket: Gap (old) | Sweater: Banana Republic (old)
I think that’s about it for now. Tell me, friends. What’s new with all of you?