As part of my attempt to update my closet so that it reflects my current life and the person I am now instead the person I was four+ years ago, I’m wearing certain pieces one last time to determine if they have a place in my new lifestyle. This navy and white polka dot skirt is one of those pieces that I liked but I wasn’t wearing; it hung in my closet for several years, every day getting passed over. So, it’s on the chopping block; I’m wearing it today to decide whether I keep it or donate it, and I decided to recreate/update an outfit I’ve worn before with this skirt.
When I hit 30 years old, I started feeling like my body was falling apart. I definitely felt that way earlier last week when I broke my little pinky toe! I’ve stubbed my toes a million times and, while painful, they were no big deal. This time, however, my toe broke. Like, for real broke.
How did I break my toe, you ask? Was it doing something cool like learning how to skateboard or sliding into third base? Of course, not. I broke my little pinky toe on the corner of an ugly box in my living room that holds a stack of magazines I haven’t looked at in ages. Totally unsexy.

The culprit is the brown box in the left corner of this photo.
I was chasing after that beautiful boy of mine when I rounded the corner of the couch and stubbed my toe on the box in the bottom of the photo above. Of course it hurt and I didn’t think much of it until I looked down and saw that the toe was facing the opposite direction than what it should have been facing. Ouch! For a split second I thought I should just snap it back into place but I didn’t. I called Nick to come home and take me to urgent care where they sent me to the orthopedic urgent care. There, they set it back in place, buddy taped it (taped it to the toe next to it to keep it from moving too much, and fit me for a boot. I left with crutches. What an eventful day!
The next day I had a therapy appointment so Nick had to stay home from work in the morning to drive me. I didn’t have to use the crutches long because I was able to walk with the boot after a few days. Then, by the end of the week I was able to drive. I go back next week for x-fays to determine whether my toe is healing properly, and I’m hoping that the doc will tell me I can wear regular shoes again as long as I keep it buddy taped. Wish me luck!

Awkwardly walking on crutches down the sidewalk.
Each day I play a fun game where I find cute socks that I can wear with the boot, like these peanut butter & jelly socks!
Scroll down to the bottom if you want to see a photo of the toe facing the wrong direction right after I broke it. It’s not as bad as it sounds, I promise. But I wanted to provide a warning in case you’re sensitive to that sort of thing.
Have you ever broken a bone?
I returned some Christmas/birthday gifts and with the extra cash, I headed to Target to shop for purses and instead found this scarf. I was drawn to it immediately because of the beautiful colors and floral pattern, and I knew I had a lot of stuff I could wear it with but especially these cobalt flats. Like most of us, I usually try to match or coordinate my accessories and this combination was surely a match made in heaven.

this combination was surely a match made in heaven
I wore this outfit to tour a few day care centers near my house. Why was I touring child care centers, you might ask? Because on Thursday I accepted a job offer to work in the Development unit of a local women’s health organization as their development and program coordinator! I can’t tell you how grateful (and relieved) I am that they hired me knowing I’m 8 months pregnant AND knowing that they’re giving me maternity leave when I’ll have only been there for, like, a month. It only took me three months, which was only half the time it took me to find a job when I graduated from my masters program. This is definitely going to make life easier for my little family.
Back to the outfit: It was so nice in NC yesterday that it got too warm for the scarf. In fact, I removed it completely when I took Mia for her late afternoon walk. Now that I’m going to be working again, Nick and I did some shopping over the weekend for office-appropriate clothes should be able to wear both now and after the baby (with the help of my trusty belly band) and I can see myself wearing this scarf with most of the outfits that I bought. That means you’ll probably be seeing it a lot more on the blog!
Sweater: Banana Republic | Jeans: Mavi maternity via Stitch Fix | Scarf: Target | Shoes: Old Navy | Earrings: Spencer’s
Y’all, with all of this snowy winter weather, I have been in full-on hibernation mode. Where I live, it started sleeting on Friday evening which turned to snow that didn’t let up until Saturday evening, resulting in about 2 inches of beautiful fluffy snow on top of an inch of pure ice. I had every intention of taking fun outfit pictures in the snow, but when it came right down to it, it was just too cold! The low on Sunday was in the single digits. That’s rare for these parts of NC so Nick, the dog, and I stayed bundled up indoors. Luckily, I got some mirror photos/selfies of a few past outfits that I’ll share with you instead. As usual, apologies for the quality but it was the best I could do under the circumstances.
Gingham shirt: Target | Vest: Old Navy | Pants: Loft | Shoes: Old Navy
I wore this gingham/vest combo on Thursday (and then again on Friday) to run errands before the wintery bottom dropped out of the sky. It’s been on my list to wear for a while but I was afraid the pants would be uncomfortable since they’re not maternity, but I was pleasantly surprised how well they held up with just a belly band. The shirt is struggling a bit against the belly, though, so I might have to retire this one until after the baby arrives.
Sweater: Banana Republic | Skirt: Target | Boots: Old Navy | Scarf: Target
I wore this cute little sweater/skirt combo to meet with my career coach to learn how to improve my resume. She gave me some really good tips that I’m hoping will land me a job sooner rather than later. This was taken when I was only about 6 months along (so about 1.5 months ago) and the career coach had no idea I was pregnant until I told her. Looking at this photo now, I can understand why. Tiny little bump!
Sweater and Tank: Banana Republic | Jeans: Target (Liz Lange Maternity) | Boots: BP Trolley via Nordstrom | Necklace: via Le Tote
I wear this outfit all. the. time. Seriously, it has become my go-to outfit for everything from errands to doctor appointments to hanging out to whatever. I love the layered look and it’s really comfortable and the boots make it feel even more stylish. I don’t really know what else to say about it except that I love it.
Sweater: J. Crew Outlet | Vest and Jeans: Banana Republic | Boots: Old Navy | Necklace: via Francesca’s
So, this was a really cute outfit but an example of one that didn’t quite work so I had to change it up a bit. These are not maternity jeans and they did not hold up well with the belly band. I wore this outfit to do some shopping and after my first stop I came home to change because I was literally pulling my pants up every 3 seconds. Very uncomfortable. The purple sweater/vest/purple boots combo, however, is on point so all I did was change into a pair of light washed, distressed maternity jeans and got the same effect.
Anyway, I hope you’re all having a happy Friday and not tucked up in bed bed all day to avoid the back luck that is thought to come on Friday the 13th! Did you know that there are TWO Friday the 13ths in 2017? January 13th (today) and October 13. Everyone beware, mwah-ha-ha! 😀
I love reading random things about the bloggers that I follow so I thought you might enjoy reading some about me. I think it’s a nice way to get to know someone a little better.
1. I’ve never had any surgeries in my life. How I managed that, I have no idea but my dentist has been fussing at me to have my wisdom teeth removed for years and I’m just like, “Nah, I’m good.” That makes me really nervous about the possibility of having to have a c-section at the end of this pregnancy. The plan is to have a medication-free labor and delivery but I understand that you don’t really know what’s going to happen until it’s going down. I’m keeping those fingers crossed, though!
2. My secret favorite dinner is party foods: charcuterie, chips, dips, bite-sized anything really. When I moved into my very first apartment in undergrad, I ate a lot of “party foods” for dinner because I could! Wavy chips and french onion dip, little sausages in thick sauces, bite-sized pizzas, sausage balls, etc. My other/more acceptable favorite dinner is sushi. Who am I kidding, I just love to eat.
3. I love the idea of reading non-fiction but I prefer good fiction. Sometimes reading about real life is just too depressing for me and I often read for an escape. While I think non-fiction is really important and I read it from time to time, I gravitate toward something that is made up and sucks me in. However, I’m currently reading Bossy Pants by Tina Fey. Yes, I’m way behind on the times.
4. I’ve always wanted to be a writer. In elementary school, we had career day and I was upset because I didn’t know how to dress up as an author so I dressed up as a doctor instead. I won a story-telling contest in 5th grade for a story I wrote called Rumpelstiltskin Continued, as well as an adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood that was told from the wolf’s perspective.
5. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I love being in the field of public health but I feel like I still haven’t found my calling, so I just do all kind of things and have become somewhat of a jack-of-all-trades. I think that works for me, for now.
On to the outfit: sometimes I take too much time getting ready because I overthink things. Do I have the right completer piece? What is the best necklace to wear? Which shoes look best? But I’m learning it’s easy to keep it simple and still look good. Sweater, jeans, cute shoes, and a necklace. Doesn’t get much more simple than that, except maybe sweatpants or pajamas. I suppose you could wear sweatpants to the grocery store but this simple casual outfit is better and it didn’t even take that much to put together. As the weather gets colder, I’ll add a vest or cardigan as my completer piece but for now, this is just fine.
Sweater: Old Navy | Jeans: Liz Lange maternity @ Target | Shoes: Target | Necklace: Claire’s (old)
About Me
Hi, I’m Nikki. This is where I blog about my life and personal style. I’m a wife and mom, public health professional, sushi lover, wine enthusiast, and coffee snob. Welcome to my little corner of the world where I try to lead by example!
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