I love reading random things about the bloggers that I follow so I thought you might enjoy reading some about me. I think it’s a nice way to get to know someone a little better.
1. I’ve never had any surgeries in my life. How I managed that, I have no idea but my dentist has been fussing at me to have my wisdom teeth removed for years and I’m just like, “Nah, I’m good.” That makes me really nervous about the possibility of having to have a c-section at the end of this pregnancy. The plan is to have a medication-free labor and delivery but I understand that you don’t really know what’s going to happen until it’s going down. I’m keeping those fingers crossed, though!
2. My secret favorite dinner is party foods: charcuterie, chips, dips, bite-sized anything really. When I moved into my very first apartment in undergrad, I ate a lot of “party foods” for dinner because I could! Wavy chips and french onion dip, little sausages in thick sauces, bite-sized pizzas, sausage balls, etc. My other/more acceptable favorite dinner is sushi. Who am I kidding, I just love to eat.
3. I love the idea of reading non-fiction but I prefer good fiction. Sometimes reading about real life is just too depressing for me and I often read for an escape. While I think non-fiction is really important and I read it from time to time, I gravitate toward something that is made up and sucks me in. However, I’m currently reading Bossy Pants by Tina Fey. Yes, I’m way behind on the times.
4. I’ve always wanted to be a writer. In elementary school, we had career day and I was upset because I didn’t know how to dress up as an author so I dressed up as a doctor instead. I won a story-telling contest in 5th grade for a story I wrote called Rumpelstiltskin Continued, as well as an adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood that was told from the wolf’s perspective.
5. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I love being in the field of public health but I feel like I still haven’t found my calling, so I just do all kind of things and have become somewhat of a jack-of-all-trades. I think that works for me, for now.
On to the outfit: sometimes I take too much time getting ready because I overthink things. Do I have the right completer piece? What is the best necklace to wear? Which shoes look best? But I’m learning it’s easy to keep it simple and still look good. Sweater, jeans, cute shoes, and a necklace. Doesn’t get much more simple than that, except maybe sweatpants or pajamas. I suppose you could wear sweatpants to the grocery store but this simple casual outfit is better and it didn’t even take that much to put together. As the weather gets colder, I’ll add a vest or cardigan as my completer piece but for now, this is just fine.
Sweater: Old Navy | Jeans: Liz Lange maternity @ Target | Shoes: Target | Necklace: Claire’s (old)
I love those booties and this outfit! I agree fully about your asesment with outfits. I hate when I see people being lazy and lurking sweats on to go everywhere. Putting a simple outfit on like you have is just as easy as throwing sweats and a sweatshirt on. I always try to at least look somewhat put together because you never know who you will meet when your out. Even at the grocery store. How simple, but cute is your outfit. It could look super cute with a riding boot, but add a heel and it brings the outfit fully together and makes it look simple and easy yet modern and very sophisticated and like you tried harder than you did hehe 😉
Thanks, Aidan! I definitely think there is a time and place for sweats, and there are also ways to dress up your sweats (that’s what the whole athleisure trend is all about!) but I’m just not a sweats kind of girl. Never have been. I’m glad you like this outfit, though! I already have ideas for how to layer it up as it gets colder.