When most people think of October, they picture cool days, fall leaves, hayrides and apple cider, scarves and boots, and, of course, pumpkins! In the South, however, it stays 90 degrees and humid throughout most of the month. But that doesn’t stop us from sweating in our scarves as we roam the pumpkin patch, looking for the perfect gourd.
That’s exactly what we did this weekend! It was hot and humid, and we spent a good amount of time fighting the mosquitoes, but I was determined for Sebastian to paint a pumpkin at one of our local produce stands, Perkins Orchard. [Side note: we bought our Christmas tree here last year and it stayed green and fresh for so much longer than our friends’ trees that ended up getting dry and brittle really early] Despite the heat, we had a good time and got some cute pictures. And I purchased a bag full of produce (apples, avocados, strawberries, peppers, beets, and plums) and a small mum for $20! That’s a sweet deal.
It’s my favorite shirt again. When I said I was wearing it all the time, I wasn’t joking. And I paired it with my favorite (and only) midi skirt because it’s such a cute combination. The length of the skirt, the style of the boots, and the stripes all scream “fall” to me so I’ve worn it pretty much everywhere since the season began. It’s one of those outfits that I have to talk myself OUT of wearing because I just wore it last week (or, more accurately, yesterday) but then I usually give in because it’s so darn stylish. In fact, I’m wearing it again to work today!
Plus, you gotta love a fun, playful skirt!
Life lately has been pretty busy. We went to my brother-in-law’s wedding in Georgia the first weekend in November and even though all that driving was exhausting, we had a great time. It was my father-in-law’s first time meeting Sebastian so he was ecstatic that we were able to come, and I loved seeing him interact with his grandson. The wedding was beautiful, and it was very nice spending time with family we don’t see very often. Oh, and we got this beautiful family selfie:
the Crews-Castillo family
Now I’m just looking forward to the holidays — seriously, how is NEXT week Thanksgiving? November is flying by — and counting down to my last day of work. In the meantime, I’m making all kinds of plans and goals for my time off, like working on my writing portfolio, taking some Photoshop and Lightroom classes, learning more about photography and blogging, exercising more, etc. I know I’m happiest when I’m creating content for my blog, so having more time to devote to it and learning more stuff to improve it will mean better content and a much happier Nikki. I really can’t wait, y’all!
Anyway, I hope everyone is looking forward to the holidays and living their best life. Thanks for hanging in there with me!
Blouse: a new day from Target | Skirt & Belt: Modcloth | Shoes: | Sunnies & Watch: Target
There was a slight chill in the air earlier this week, which lets me know that Fall is not too far away. Fall is my favorite season, but this year I’m a little sad that it’s arriving so quickly because I barely had a summer due to my internship. But, that’s what I signed up for when I decided to go to grad school!
Thursday morning was beautiful so I made a breakfast of baked eggs in tomato parmesan sauce and ate it on the back porch. I followed a Martha Stewart recipe so of course it calls for you to make your own tomato sauce, but being the lazy resourceful person that I am, I just used some tomato sauce we already had in the pantry. It was the easiest breakfast ever: throw some tomato sauce in a ramekin, break an egg in it, top with a little more sauce and parmasan cheese and bake at 350 degrees for about 25-24 minutes. And Voila!
When we purchased this little patio table, I had day dreams of us sitting there in the mornings, drinking coffee and relaxing before work, or eating our meals in the shade of the umbrella, or even sitting there with coffee in one hand and a book in the other. The reality is that Nick hates being outside (allergies and insects) and I don’t wake up early enough to leisurely enjoy a cup of coffee before rushing to get ready for work/school/life so we’ve actually only eaten at the table maybe three times in the two years that we’ve had it. So I was determined to have my eggs and coffee out there!
The chill made it perfect; it wasn’t too hot, it wasn’t too cold. I ate my eggs and drank my coffee and had a very pleasant morning!
We’re visiting my family this weekend and celebrating my nephew’s 4th birthday so I’m planning some fun posts for you this coming week. I hope you all are having a great weekend and get to enjoy your coffee in a beautiful, cozy space of your own.
Hi, I’m Nikki. This is where I blog about my life and personal style. I’m a wife and mom, public health professional, sushi lover, wine enthusiast, and coffee snob. Welcome to my little corner of the world where I try to lead by example!