About a month ago, I tried to end Nikki by example (NBE) because I felt like blogging has changed so much in the last few years. It seems that, to be a successful blogger in 2019, you have to turn it into “a human-sponsored product” by being an influencer for companies who pay you to convince other people to buy their shit. But enough of you talked some sense into my head and convinced me that you actually like my realness. I mean, my blog name even says “by example” so being true to myself and to you all is the whole point. During a conversation with Nick the other day, I was complaining about the quality of certain clothes and how I felt like I wasted money on them because of it and he said, “you should blog about that.”
And he’s right!
So, in honor of my realness, I’ve decided to try out a new series called REAL TALK where I talk openly and frankly about my experiences with brands, products, life hacks, etc. I’ll give honest reviews of the clothes I wear, the products I use, the reasons I went with one brand or item vs. another, and hopefully you’ll find it helpful in your own decisions. I have already have plans for writing about ModCloth, Target, LOFT, Old Navy… basically all the places I shop! I’ll have positive AND negative things to say about them because that’s just how life is and I want to keep it real. Real talk.
So, stay tuned and let me know what you think about the series.