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Dear readers,

As you may have noticed, I haven’t posted anything in over a month and the posts prior to that were sporadic and unreliable. I’m so sorry for that! I’m still trying to figure out what blogging means for me while I balance work, life, health, and everything in between. It has felt both incredibly freeing but also like something was missing this past month not blogging. I do miss it but I have a lot of questions about how and if I should continue that I need to figure out. Getting dressed, even when I’m not keeping up this space, has felt more like a chore than a fun activity I enjoy for several reasons (that I may or may not discuss later). I’d love to write about more than just my outfits, like about fun and insightful things, but writers’ block has clinched my brain and I don’t even journal these days. All in all, I’m just not sure how to best combine these things anymore. I haven’t given up just yet, but I feel like I need more time to figure it all out before I commit to it again. So, I hope you’ll bear with me and await my return because I have a feeling that when (and if) I do, it’ll be totally awesome.

Yours Truly,

