Today I’m thankful that we were able to get a real frazier fir Christmas tree this year. I haven’t had a real tree since I lived at home, which was almost 10 years ago. I’m also equally grateful that we purchased our tree from TROSA, a substance abuse recovery program. I’m happy to contributes funds to their programs because I think they help give a lot of people second chances, and there’s really nothing better than that.

So we got the tree home and decorated it, and it looks awesome. We were able to retire the artificial tree I’ve been using for the past three or four years. It’s pretty small and scraggly so we lovingly nicknamed it the Charlie Brown tree. Our real tree smells fresh and wintery and it’s much bigger so we had to buy a few extra ornaments. But it looks beautiful and fits perfectly and I’m excited to have it up for the next month. Definitely makes the holidays feel warm and cozy in our new house. For that, I’m thankful.
