Since I’ve started staying home with Sebastian, it’s become really easy easy for me to “forget” to change out of my pajamas and wear them all day long. Other things I sometimes forgot to do: brush my hair, shower, and brush my teeth. The first two weeks weren’t pretty, people! But, at least my messy bun was on point!

It’s not that I forgot to do these things, really, but I was preoccupied with figuring out this whole stay-at-home mom thing. What am I supposed to be doing? What is Sebastian supposed to be doing? It wasn’t as easy as I had imagined. Luckily, it didn’t take us long to settle in and create a routine. We’ve established regular nap, meal, and play times so our day is pretty predictable. We also went through a major overhaul in January and cleaned out a lot of drawers, closets, and rooms in our attempt to minimize the clutter in our lives, so now my house stays cleaner longer. Although, it’s almost time to do this again. Most importantly, I don’t feel like I have to use the few precious hours of nap time for cleaning; I can use it showering, getting dressed, and blogging (it does feel good to be back!).
All that to say I’m back to putting together cute outfits to share with you, dear friends. Here’s a compilation of outfits I’ve been wearing lately.
These first two outfits were worn to meet Nick for lunch and then run errands. I’m so glad it’s finally Spring and I can wear cute outfits again!

Chambray top: Old Navy | Pixie Pants: Old Navy | Sandals: via Payless

Jacket: Gap | Tee & Pants: Old Navy | Shoes: via Rack Room
This next outfit was simply worn around my house, playing with Sebastian. It’s pretty comfy, especially barefoot.

Tee: Target | Necklace: Old Navy | Jeans: Banana Republic | Flats: Ross
I wore this one out with friends for drinks. It was a beautiful evening so we met up at Bull City Cider works with our kids (they have a son the same age as Sebastian) and enjoyed the warm sun and cold hard cider. It was a great day.

Blouse & Necklace: Old Navy | Jeans: Banana Republic | Flats: Ross