I was cleaning out my Gmail inbox today because I realized I had well over 50 emails and, for me, that’s insane. I hate having a ton of messages in my inbox…. ESPECIALLY unread messages. My work email is the same, except I think I’m at a little over 80. Considering the crazy amounts of email we get on the regular, that’s actually pretty good!

So, anyway, I was cleaning out my inbox when I found an email I sent to myself of a dream I had waaayyy back in February of 2009. I emailed it so I wouldn’t forget it and, even though I didn’t write a lot of details about the dream, I still remember it vividly. I’m thinking I should keep a dream journal because most of my dreams are doosies.

Alright, listen to this dream, y’all:

It started out with me running away from someone in the street at night and, right as I was about to be attacked, someone else saved me.  Of course, it ended up being a vampire… a good vampire.

(Obviously this was around the beginning of the True Blood/Twilight phase!)

We must have fallen in love (although, this part wasn’t in the actual dream itself.. you know how dreams just skip around all the time but still seem to make sense? it was like that) because the issue was whether I would go to heaven or hell if I dated him, and the only way to find out was to go to hell to see if I was there.

(Like in the movie Constantine where Keanu Reeves drowns himself in the bathtub to go to hell to see if Rachel Weisz’s twin sister is there.)

So, my friends and I began to prepare to go to hell and I was really afraid because a lot of things could go wrong and I could get stuck there. The vampire was telling us what to do and how to survive and to remember that nothing there was “real” and the most important thing to remember was that when we got back, we were to go straight to the mirror to look at our faces. I was really scared but I knew that I had to do this. We found the entrance to hell, which was this backdoor in an alley, like the back entrance of a club. There was a line of people waiting to go in… kind of like it was the cool thing to do.

(I guess I was doing it all to date a vampire as silly as it seems… I just knew in the dream I had to do it)

We finally go through the doors and hell was nothing like I’d expected it to be; it was hot, but not too hot, and people were walking around, just like they would in their regular lives. But then, all of a sudden, their faces turned into these monstrous beings with snakes coming out of them, and their faces would move around, all distorted, like they were melting into the next monstrous figure. I walked around with my friends and vampire boyfriend for a long time, looking for myself but I never saw myself so we figured that it must be safe. We came out the same way we went in and I went straight to this big mirror that hung on the wall in the alley beside the door and…

(this was so vivid in my dream)

I watched my face transform very slowly from the way the other faces had been, all melted and distorted, back into my own face!

And, apparently, my vampire boyfriend and I lived happily ever after!


Sitting here reading and editing this made it all come back. I can remember the colors and the alley and the big mirror and what the faces looked like.

What do you think it all means?!

