You know what’s delicious? Indian buffets! You know what skirt isn’t a good choice to wear to one? This one! I wore it to lunch with Nick where we went to our favorite Indian restaurant/buffet near his office, and I left with a food baby that this skirt didn’t conceal very well. So, I think this is an adorable outfit but the skirt is on the chopping block, meaning I’m thinking about donating it. It’s slightly too big and doesn’t fit exactly where I want it around my waist and because of that, it makes me feel like I lose what little bit of an hourglass shape that I have. Nick said it looked fine and these pictures look great, so I can’t decide if I want to keep the skirt or not.
This top is the same as my gray polka dot top but in solid green. I’m a big fan of buying multiples when you find something you really like, so I got this top in the two colors and I love wearing both.
Blouse: Target | Skirt: Loft | Belt: Target | Shoes: Gap Outlet | Necklace: Old Navy
So, here’s my question for you, my fellow fashionistas: How do you decide whether to keep or donate an item? I still wear the skirt every now and then but I find that I don’t reach for it as often because I don’t feel great in it. But I do wear it. I just can’t decide!
Linking up with:
Garay Treasures
Trend Spend
Just amazing and love it!
I vote that you keep the skirt! I think it looks so good. The real question is, how much do you wear it? If you don’t wear it all that often then it might be a good idea to toss it, but otherwise, keep it! Looking lovely, my dear. 🙂
My philosophy is that if I’m not 100% in love with an item, it doesn’t get to stay in my closet. I hate the feeling of having things taking up space that I just don’t feel wonderful in. I think it looks fine on you, but if you’re somewhat uncomfortable in it, time to pass it along, methinks!!
What a fun little outfit to wear to a buffet and around, I love how casual yet elegant it is!
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me” I hope you can join again this coming Tuesday!
Rachel xo
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Well in the pictures, this skirt looks very flattering on you. If you feel that it doesn’t fit right in person, then I bet it’s time to give it the boot. You won’t wear it if you don’t like how it looks or feels right?
Lauren, you’re absolutely right – I have to force myself to wear it sometimes. I’ll keep an eye out for something that works better and that’s always a win!
I would keep an eye out for a similar skirt that you like better. I’ve been doing that lately: upgrading items in my closet that I don’t really wear and replacing them with ones that I will wear.
Erin, that’s a really great idea! I’m always afraid that I’ll never find something similar that I like, as if they will only sell one black skirt for a few months and then never again, which is silly but is why I think I snatch things up so quickly. I’ll hang on to it while I find something that works better for me. You’re a genius! 🙂
Lovely top. I also usually buy multiple of the same item if it suits! Glad to know I’m not alone. The skirt is nice you should keep it. Gemma xx