When I was working 9-5, it was Monday through Friday and my weekends were free. When you’re a grad student, you’re ALWAYS working. This is what I wore to meet my study group on Sunday to work on a project that is due next week. Truthfully, if it wasn’t for that, I would have staying in my pajamas all day. But, It was a beautiful day with the temperature around 70 and very few clouds in the sky. I apologize for the less-than-stellar quality of these photos, but I’m in a different location than usual and have to figure out the best lighting.
I just got these booties this weekend and I am in LOVE; I’ve hardly taken them off my feet! On the other hand, when I purchased this flowy vest, I wasn’t sure I would get a lot of wears out of it. In fact, I wasn’t even planning on wearing it today until I saw all the wrinkles in my shirt (please don’t judge) and realized I should throw something on over it to cover them up. This vest is a clear winner. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner!
Top: Target | Vest: Ross | Scarf and Jeans: Old Navy | Booties: Target
What do you normally wear on the weekends?