You may (or may not) have noticed that I’ve taken a short break from blogging. That’s partly because I had a lot of work to do as the summer session and my internship came to a close, but partly because I’ve been a little unhappy with my clothes and with blogging lately.

I started style blogging because I was really inspired by the amazing bloggers I’ve been following.  I was really excited about my outfits and wanted to share that with others. I felt good, I was getting a lot of complements and, most importantly, I felt comfortable; I felt like myself. I’m sure this happens to all bloggers, especially when starting out, but soon I started to feel like I was trying to keep up with the Joneses, and that I was dressing for the blog instead of dressing for me. I was doing way too much shopping (read: spending too much money) and purchasing pieces that I didn’t really like because I thought they would look good on the blog. And that’s not what I wanted my blog to be. I want it to be about having great style with easy, inexpensive pieces.


From a recent shopping trip

So, I’ve still been getting dressed these last couple of weeks but without constantly wondering if what I was putting together was cute/trendy/stylish/whatever enough for the blog, and the result has been great: cute outfits, a few complements, more confidence and comfort. Throughout all of this, I’ve also tried to take a good, hard look at what my style really is, and I’m thinking I’ll do a closet inventory post soon to get rid of the pieces that aren’t really me so that I can show you outfits that I really love and feel completely comfortable in. So, if you’ve followed me on my journey thus far, I am so thankful to you, and I hope you’ll continue to follow along. I have some cute outfits that I’m excited to show you!

style quote

source: Pinterest
