Like any good college student, as soon as I received my loan reimbursement, I went on a little shipping spree. I stocked up on a few Fall things from Banana Republic, including this chambray top and burgundy box pleat skirt. I imagined wearing this outfit with black tights but it’s still too hot for tights, so this will just have to be a little Fall preview. I’ve been looking for a new chambray because the only one I had previously had polka dots on it, which is cute, but I wanted a plain one. And I love that this skirt has pockets. I’m not sure how I feel about wearing this with ankle boots without tights; it feels like something is off or missing. What do you think? Are there other shoes I could pair this with to make it look better? Or are the boots on point? Internet friends, please help me dress myself! 🙂
I knew I had to have both of these pieces when I tried them on together in the dressing room and they looked so good together. Also, it was such a gray day out when we took these photos that this dressing room photo has better color:
Top & Skirt: Banana Republic
Shoes: Old Navy
Necklace: Target
Bracelets: Old Navy
Earrings: Wal-Mart