Top: The Limited (thrifted) | Button-front: Gap (thrifted) | Pants: Banana Republic | Shoes: Gap | Clutch (in my left hand, which you can barely see): Coach (birthday gift)
Only twice have I purchased a specific item that was featured on a blogger’s website, mostly because I just don’t have enough money to buy everything I see that I like. Back in December, I pinned this awesome outfit from Bows and Sequins because I loved how she paired the sequin shirt with a plaid button-front, making it a little more casual yet still glamorous. I quickly started a search for a sequin shirt so I could recreate this outfit. Almost a year later I still hadn’t found a sequin shirt that I love. Until now! I’ve driven by this cute little thrift shop on my to the gym for a while and finally decided to stop and go in. After looking over the entire store, I land on the EXACT SEQUIN SHIRT FROM THE PIN! Y’all, I am never this lucky and I felt like I hit the pinspiration jackpot! I snatched it up and purchased it immediately.
My husband and I attended a college football game this weekend, and their colors are red, white, and black, so I decided to wear this outfit. My husband took the first photo and his priority was to get the wolf statue in the background (the school’s mascot) and neglected to get my shoes. I’ve included a photo of them below. They’re just simple little flats.
Shoes: Gap
Have you had any jackpot finds?