It’s that time of year again! 2011 is slowly coming to a close. Christmas (for those who celebrate) is this weekend and Hanukkah (for those who celebrate) has just begun. And Kwanzaa (again, for those who celebrate) is next week. Then there’s my personal favorite, the winter solstice! The new year is right around the corner and we’re all probably thinking about our New Year’s Resolution. Okay, maybe not all of us, but I’ve been thinking about mine. Like most people, every year I make a resolution about some big life change that I’m adamant about, like saving money or eating better, and I swear that I’m going to stick to it come hell or high water and then by January 14, it’s already forgotten. But this year, I’ve come up with something pretty good. And it’s so good that I’m actually really excited about it and have plans to start it early.